Monday, May 27, 2019


Hey guys, It's crazy how quickly this term is going! As some of you may remember I really like tea and being that there is a common association with the UK and tea, I decided to shed some light on that topic this week.

Tea gained popularity in the UK in the 17th century and by the 18th, the country was one of the world's top consumers of tea. As tea began to be associated with higher society, the British Empire embraced it as a symbol of their achievements.

During the time, teas were also more commonly used as herbal medicines for various ailments which aided in their popularity. The Industrial Revolution made the country's increased consumption possible by finding ways to mass produce the materials for the beverage.

Although tea lost popularity in the last decade, the drink is still very prevalent across the country. From a morning beverage to a social activity, tea weaves its way into most people's daily schedule.

As tea sales drop, espresso sales rise so maybe the UK will see a sudden switch in their social drinks. 

I remember quite a few of you saying you like tea near the beginning of the blog. What kinds of tea do you guys like? Have you ever just had tea with a friend? If not, what do you like to do when you get together with them?


  1. I don't drink tea, I don't drink tea, Hangout with'em

    1. Hey Garrett, is that a song lyric? It kinda sounds like one.

  2. I don't enjoy tea to much, and I don't hangout with friends outside of school.

    1. That's a fair point Tyler. What do you do when you hang out with your friends at school?

    2. I talk with them or play a card game

  3. I do drink tea some times but only because I cannot have coffee. Its a rule that my mom made. I cannot have it until I'm a freshman in hi school.

    1. To be honest, I'm not actually a huge fan of coffee James. I'll drink it if I need to stay awake but usually won't have a cup casually. What kind of tea do you have.

  4. i actually don't drink tea, and I have never sat down and had tea with anyone, other than starbucks sigh, but when i'm with my friends we usually will just hangout at our houses and do random stuff.

    1. That sounds a lot like my days in middle school Evan. I actually don't think I started liking tea until my Sophomore or Junior year of high school.

  5. I don't like tea, but when I'm hanging out with my friend's we usually just talk.

    1. Those are the best hangouts Leah! In high school, we'd go to my friend, Jensen's, house and drink tea and talk. It was very relaxing.

  6. i like drinking tea i normally drink tea and listen to music when my anxiety is high but i like oolong tea or green tea. i did drink tea with one of my friends before but its been a few years. -daniel

    1. That sounds like a good practice Daniel. I'm actually having green tea right now!

  7. I have never had but tea it has always been something that I have wanted to try yet I have never had the chance.I usually just play games with my friends when they come over to my house.

    1. That sounds like fun Gabriel. I'm curious to hear what you think when you do try it.

  8. i drink tea occasionally. Its not my go-to drink, but it´s great every once in awhile. When i´m with friends, i usually just hang out, draw, and walk around my city with them.


    1. That sounds like fun Khloe! I have many cups of tea everyday but I think that started as an occasional cup here and there.

  9. i used to drink tea with my friends it was so fun i loved it

  10. Those are my favorite kind of hang outs Karlye!

  11. I love tea! My favorites are fruit teas like peach teas, but I also like some others! My Grandma was the one who got me into tea
